Avicenna, LLC It Is Partnership, Not Just A Consultation

Tel : +1 215-820-9378
Email : info@avicenna-llc.us

Our Approach

Avicenna employs knowledge transfer strategies in the implementation of its business. Our theme “It is partnership, not just a consultation” express that value. Knowledge transfer strategies aim at building the institutional capacity and include the following:

-          Collaborative and participatory approach;

-          Training activities;

-          System strengthening initiatives;

-          Coaching and mentoring to support staff apply the knowledge in daily practices.


Avicenna project planning and implementation framework is designed to ensure that the solutions specifically address clients’ needs. The framework is illustrated in Figure 1, comprising three phases; 1) Context analysis and Challenges Identification; 2) Agree on the interventions which address the challenges and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs); and 3) Interventions Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation. 


Figure 1: Avicenna Project Planning and Implementation Framework